The page contains the release notes for the computer program IRT Command Language (ICL).
After each item in brackets are the source files in which the change was implemented. In some cases the source file that was changed is part of ETIRM.
Release 0.020301 This is the initial release of ICL. ICL supercedes the Estimation Program for Dichotomous Item Response Models (EPDIRM) by including estimation of models for polytomous as well as dichotomous items. Some differences between ICL and EPDIRM are described on the page epdirm_differences.html. ICL fixes some bugs that existed in version 0.011118 of EPDIRM: Fixed a bug in read_examinee_missing command that prevented the command from working when the optional fifth and sixth arguments were used. [icl.tcl] Fixed a bug in the item_set_model command which caused the command to not work and possibly crash the program. [swig_icl.cpp] Fixed a bug in the simulate_responses command that produced an error when simulate_responses was called. [swig_etirm.h, swig_etirm.cpp] Fixed a bug in which the examinee counts in each group were not updated in bootstrap_sample. [swig_etirm.h, swig_etirm.cpp]
Last updated: March 1, 2002